Karvol is proud to announce the launch of their Decongestant Vapour Chest Rub for Adults. “Often seen as a brand for babies and children, Karvol has always been focused on giving relief to the entire family,” explains Bronwyn Ragavan, brand manager for Karvol.

The new Karvol adult chest rub provides effective, long-lasting relief not only during the winter cold and flu months, but also when consumers are afflicted with seasonal allergies such as pollen, grass and dust mites. There is no need to use different products for different seasons as this product can be used all year round, and provides relief for the following symptoms:
Blocked noses and sinuses,
Common symptoms associated with colds, flu and bronchitis, and
Breathing difficulties associated with mild chest and nasal congestion.
For over 50 years moms have trusted Karvol to clear their babies’ nasal congestion, but there is no reason why when their children grow up that this must stop. Babies are not the only members of the family that suffer from congestion, and therefore having a trusted product range that caters to the entire family is favourable.
The Karvol Adult rub is formulated with a combination of aromatic oils such as menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, thymol and lavender oil, that when released work actively to help you breathe more easily. The benefits of Karvol’s adult rub include:
Peace of mind: Being a brand trusted by moms for their babies, allows a confident cross over to when it comes to using their adult products.
Versatility: The adult chest rub can help alleviate the symptoms of colds, flu, bronchitis and hay fever to help allow for easy breathing.
Effectiveness: This product is both safe and easy to use and offers immediate relief.
The Karvol adult chest rub showcases Karvol’s new, fresh branding look with its modernised logo, and is available at Dischem for the RSP of R59.99.
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